Kahoot! A Fun and Fast Trivia Game for People with Smartphones and iPads - For Adults

Monday April 9 - 7:00 P.M.
- https://www.pentwaterlibrary.org/news-events/events/kahoot-a-fun-and-fast-trivia-game-for-people-with-smartphones-and-ipads
- Kahoot! A Fun and Fast Trivia Game for People with Smartphones and iPads - For Adults
- 2018-04-09T19:00:00-04:00
- 2018-04-09T20:00:00-04:00
- Monday April 9 - 7:00 P.M.
- When Apr 09, 2018 from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-400)
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How much do you know about your library, popular books, and favorite authors?
Bring your thinking cap and a charged up Smartphone or iPad! Participants will be given a brief amount of time to answer multiple choice questions to earn points. Trivia will be about the library, popular books and authors.
Everyone answers at the same time. Answer correctly the fastest and you will receive the most points. Gift card will be given to persons earning the top number of points.